Do you know that if you shop at Amazon Smile, they will donate .05% of your purchase to Eve’s Fund? You shop and the Navajo kids we serve smile as a result.
How does it work? Next time you plan to shop on Amazon, sign into Amazon Smile instead. Then pick Eve’s Fund (Farmington, NM) as your charity to support. Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.

Smiling Navajo school children who have just leared to”ThinkFirst” & how to use their minds to protect their bodies.
Why is there a separate Amazon Smile URL? The AmazonSmile program offers you a new benefit, by making a donation to your favorite charity. They are able to do this when you choose to start your shopping at in part because they expect AmazonSmile to grow primarily through word of mouth instead of paid advertising—and this enables Amazon to fund donations to their customers’ favorite organizations.
Please spread the word and remember our smiling kids every time you shop.
Remember when you #StartwithaSmile at Amazon, you can support our programs and hundreds of Navajo kids will benefit and smile.