There is a lot of love in the air today—February 14, 2019—and we want to wish all of our “Friends of Eve’s Fund” and your families and friends a Happy Valentine’s Day with our heartfelt thanks.
For us, this day is not just a time to celebrate all of the love in our lives but another opportunity to be grateful to all of the people and organizations that have helped Eve’s Fund grow and flourish over the past 13 years.
Thanks to our “Friends of Eve’s Fund,” 2018 was our most successful year ever. We are not talking only about financial accomplishments, but also in terms of the number of new people who supported us and the awards, acknowledgements and other recognition we received. Most importantly, we are proud of the high number of Native youth we were able to serve through our injury prevention and educational initiatives.
Eve’s Fund Scholarship Program
Thanks to your support through scholarships these Navajo students and more will graduate from an excellent high school, continue their education and pursue their dreams. Many will be the first in their families to do so. Fortunately, we have received a very generous gift from one of our foundation donors and anticipate being able to expand our Eve’s Fund Scholarship program significantly in the coming year.
ThinkFirst Navajo

ThinkFirst Navajo’s VIP (Voice for Injury Prevention) speaker, Darlene Singer, surrounded with grateful students who have just learned how to stay safe and prevent injuries.
Thanks to the dedication of our team members and your assistance on #GivingTuesday, your Facebook Fund Raisers for Eve’s Fund and year-end donations, our ThinkFirst Navajo Injury Prevention Program was able to guide 5,594 at risk school children on how to prevent fatal and disabling injuries.
In addition, thanks to our generous donors and our partnership with the New Mexico Brain Injury Advisory Council, our ThinkFirst Navajo program was able to distribute 500 more bike helmets and teach students in kindergarten through high school how to “use their minds to protect their bodies.” Both of our organizations are committed to the belief that “Prevention is the only cure for 99% of brain and spinal cord injuries!”
Thank you for your trust in the work we are doing in our daughter Eve Crowell’s name and memory. You can learn more about Eve by visiting her memorial website.
Yes, Valentine’s Day is a day for love, appreciation and gratitude and Eve’s Fund feels all of those things today.
We hope that you enjoy the love that surrounds you!
With heartfelt thanks,
If you would like to make a donation in support of one of our initiatives for Native youth, you can donate safely through our Network for Good portal.
Dalton, MA 01227-0073
If you are on Facebook, you can also make a transaction-free donation directly to us there.
P.S. If you would like to learn more about our programs and how you can help, please subscribe to our Eve’s Fund Mailing list today.