Gratitude on #Giving Tuesday
We have gratitude today on #Giving Tuesday. We are able to see and appreciate how many kind and generous people and organizations have provided moral and monetary support to Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives since our beginning in 2005.
Today and everyday, we are grateful for all of our donors, partners and the Navajo children and teens served by our programs.
In celebration of this global day of giving, awareness and collaboration, we are inviting you to make a gift in support of one of our initiatives for at-risk Native American youth. If you are unable to support us financially at this time, we invite you to continue to follow our progress towards our mission. We ask that you please consider SHARING this news post with friends and family who would find it of interest.
ThinkFirst Navajo Injury Prevention Program
From now until the end of the year, we are focusing our fundraising efforts toward our ThinkFirst Navajo Injury Prevention Program.
With your support, we will be able to continue our culturally centered injury prevention education programs in schools across the Navajo Nation. We will be able to provide additional high-end car seats to expectant parents through our “Buckle Up Navajo Newborns” initiative. We will also be able to distribute more bike helmets to at-risk elementary students.
As always, funds will be matched dollar for dollar by Eve’s family members.
We appreciate any and all support you can give us.
Donate to Eve’s Fund on #GivingTuesday 2019
Dalton, MA 01227
P.S. If you are on Facebook, you can make a donation to us directly on our Page and where all transaction fees are waived. Here is the link to our Eve’s Fund Page:
T H A N K Y O U F O R G I V I N G B A C K !