From L to R: Top Row-Joshua Begay, Uriel Benally, Jaren Greene; Middle Row-Orion King, Isaiah Morris, Jaden Shirley, Alana Smith; Bottom Row-Kalani Williams, Isaac Yazzie, Kimberlynnibah Yazzie, and Natalyn Yazzie
Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives has awarded $11,000 in scholarships to 11 students attending Navajo Preparatory School in Farmington, New Mexico, for the current academic year. Two of the students are receiving the scholarship for the first time and nine students are continuing from previous years.
The awardees
The awardees are: junior, Joshua Begay (White Rock, NM), sophomore, Uriel Benally (Upper Fruitland, NM), senior, Jaren Greene (Rio Rancho, NM), freshman, Orion King (Rock Point, AZ), senior, Isaiah Morris (Window Rock, AZ), senior Jaden Shirley (Sanostee, NM), junior Alana Smith (Farmington, NM), senior Kalani Williams (Shiprock, NM), senior Isaac Yazzie (Farmington, NM), junior Kimberlynnibah Yazzie (Standing Rock, NM) and sophomore Natalyn Yazzie (Whiteclay, AZ).
The individual biographies of each student can be found here.
These students were selected based on demonstrated financial need, scholastic potential, and leadership skills. Each recipient’s award covers the school’s only required fees for Navajo students. Since the scholarship program was established in 2011, Eve’s Fund has awarded $71,250 to forty-eight Navajo Prep students, some of whom received the scholarship in each of their four years at the school.
Shawna Becenti, Navajo Preparatory School’s head of school, commented on the awards: “We are so grateful to Eve’s Fund for its continued support of Navajo Preparatory School students, especially in this most challenging of years. The Eve’s Fund Scholarship will enable eleven of our exceptional young people to continue their studies, prepare for success in college, and become leaders in their communities.” She added, “Ahéhee’ Eve’s Fund for believing in our students and providing support and hope as they strive to graduate from Navajo Prep and pursue higher education.”
The founders of Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives, the late Robert M. Crowell and Barbara Crowell Roy, established the scholarship program to honor the memory of their daughter Eve Erin Crowell, and to address the significant educational needs of high school students on the Navajo Nation. Native American youth are the least likely of any demographic group to graduate from high school. Among those who graduate, few go on directly to four-year colleges, and among those who do reach college, only a small minority manage to graduate in four years. With support from Eve’s Fund, Navajo Prep helps students beat the odds and prepares them for success in college.
February 24, 2021 will mark the sixteenth anniversary of the passing of Eve Crowell and the eleventh anniversary of the scholarship program established in her memory. Eve’s mother, Barbara Crowell Roy, president of Eve’s Fund, shared: “We usually disclose the scholarship awardees on the anniversary of Eve’s death, but thought this early public announcement during a far from normal holiday season might brighten the days ahead. The talented students of Navajo Prep, with their motto of ‘Yideeską́ą́góó Naat’áanii” – Leaders Now and Into the Future,’ are truly living out Eve’s legacy and we wish them much continued success.”
About Navajo Preparatory School
Founded in 1991 and located in Farmington, New Mexico, Navajo Preparatory School is the only Navajo-sanctioned, college-preparatory high school for Native Americans. The school recruits some of the best and brightest students of the Navajo Nation and provides them a rigorous academic program based on a strong foundation of Navajo Philosophy, supported by a residential environment that enhances individuality and independence.
The International Baccalaureate Programme is an integral part of Navajo Preparatory School. The purpose of the program is to provide to students with an academically challenging high school education, which meets worldwide standards and criteria and is sanctioned by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
Armed with this impressive, balanced education, students graduate with the skills to succeed in college and an understanding of the world around them. Many will become leaders of their people and role models for future generations.
For more information about the Navajo Preparatory School, visit the school’s website: https://navajoprep.com/.
About Eve’s Fund
Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization that promotes hope and wellness for Native American youth. The late Robert M. Crowell, MD and Barbara Crowell Roy founded Eve’s Fund in 2005 in memory of their daughter, Eve Erin Crowell. Since that time, the organization has developed strong community partnerships and created literacy, injury prevention and education programs impacting over 60,000 Native children and young adults. For more information, visit our website at: https://www.evecrowellsfund.org.
Would you like to help us in supporting quality education on the Navajo Nation?
In the coming years, Eve’s Fund would like to be able to expand our scholarship program to support additional Navajo high school students in graduating, pursuing higher education and embarking on worthy career paths. We could use your help.
Please support these kids in achieving their dreams!
For this program, we rely solely on the support of donations from individuals and other philanthropic organizations.
Your tax-deductible gift in any amount will enable us to continue this important initiative in 2021 and beyond.
Please help us continue this critical work which is transforming young lives and providing hope for a better future.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution for 2020, please click below to donate through our secure Donation portal or you can send a check payable to Eve’s Fund to us at PO Box 3592, Newport, RI 02840.
Please note that this is our new mailing address. We are grateful for your support and will put every dollar to good use.
P.S. If you are on Facebook, you can make a donation to us directly on our Page and where all transaction fees are waived. Here is the link to our Eve’s Fund Page: https://www.facebook.com/EvesFund/.
T h a n k Y o u !
We are grateful to the Navajo Times for sharing this announcement in their weekly publication on December 17, 2020. Click here to read the article.