On May 5, more than 1,200 people will descend on tiny Shiprock, N.M. to participate in the annual Shiprock Marathon, organized by our community partner, NavajoYES.
For marathoners, this race is appealing because it’s the only one of its kind on the Navajo Nation.
But the event also holds a great deal of promise for those who aren’t long-distance runners.
For families from the surrounding Navajo community, activities include a Health & Wellness Expo, 10K trail run/walk and 1K Fun Run for younger children.
We’re happy to offer our support and are thrilled that so many young people have signed up to try the 10K and Fun Run. Each youth finisher will receive a safety helmet from Eve’s Fund.
Not many people realize that although children on the Navajo Nation sometimes have access to shared bicycles (or ATVs), helmets are in short supply. As a result, the young population is at higher risk for preventable brain and spinal cord injuries.
We started raising money for safety helmets last year as part of our ThinkFirst Navajo Program. Through our online campaign called “Running for Eve’s Fund,” we encouraged people to raise money for our cause when participating in their next 5K, 10K or marathon. As a result of that fundraising effort, we were able to purchase more than 400 helmets, some of which will be distributed at the Shiprock Marathon.
We’re extremely grateful to all of our supporters and would like to extend a special thanks to Christa Zubieta, a public health nurse with the Four Corners Regional Health Center. Christa and her running partners continue to raise money for Eve’s Fund and have high hopes for their efforts at the Shiprock Marathon.
learn more about Eve’s Fund’s programs on the Navajo Nation, visit https://evecrowellsfund.org.

learn more about Eve’s Fund’s programs on the Navajo Nation, visit https://evecrowellsfund.org.
more information about the Shiprock Marathon, visit the shiprockmarathon.com.
more information about the Shiprock Marathon, visit the shiprockmarathon.com.
Fund needs your support to continue our high quality youth programs. We
appreciate donations of any amount and are putting every dollar to good use.
Fund needs your support to continue our high quality youth programs. We
appreciate donations of any amount and are putting every dollar to good use.
Please click below to donate through our secure Pay Pal site or send a check to
Eve’s Fund in c/o Robert M. Crowell, MD, 180 Elm St., Suite I, PMB 168,
Pittsfield, MA 01201.
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