Want to know what this diverse group of people have in common? They have all recently created Fundraisers on Facebook, primarily in celebration of their birthdays, to benefit Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives. And all but one of these kind and thoughtful individuals were new supporters of Eve’s Fund! We are thankful, not only for the donations they inspired from their families and friends, but also for their belief in the importance of the programs Eve’s Fund has been sponsoring for the last 15 years—programs which are dedicated to helping ensure the health, well-being and futures of children and teens in need across the Navajo Nation.
Facebook may have been getting a bad rap recently, but as far as Eve’s Fund is concerned, the company has created a wonderful and easy peer-to-peer fundraising vehicle. Anyone with a Facebook account can easily and quickly support a registered non-profit while logged onto their Facebook account.
Over the course of the last 6 months during this pandemic, these generous individuals raised just under $5,500 from 137 new donors to Eve’s Fund. Donations ranged from $10 to $100. Your supporters don’t have to give a large gift to make a difference, because it all adds up. One of our supporter’s Facebook Fundraisers generated $1,000 in celebration of his 50th birthday – wow!
Here is a wonderful example of what one of our Facebook followers took the time to write when launching his fundraiser. This personal and powerful message inspired many of his Facebook friends to give:
“It’s my birthday. I’m not a big birthday celebration person, but earlier
this year I knew I was going to do something big this year, either a large
banquet party or go skydiving. Then COVID. But this is more important than
a party. I’m raising money for Eve’s Fund for Native American Health
Initiatives, and your contribution WILL make an impact, any amount. Every
little bit helps. Thirty percent of the homes on the reservation don’t even have
running water. They live in extreme poverty. Please help bring hope to the
Navajo youth.”
Advantages of starting a Facebook Fundraiser
What are some advantages to you and your friends of making donations directly to Eve’s Fund on our Facebook page? Fundraisers are quite easy to set up and take just a few minutes of your time. Donations may be given anonymously and the amount donated is always hidden from the public. Donor email addresses are not shared with the non-profit unless they click “Check this box to sign up for the email list” when making the donation. If you opt not to share your email, the downside is that Eve’s Fund has no way of thanking you for your gifts or staying in touch with you to keep you informed of the impact your generosity has with the young people we serve. However, you will receive an immediate acknowledgement from Facebook for your donation.
A huge benefit to the charity is that Facebook charges no transaction fees for donations made through these fundraisers and they deposit funds raised every two weeks into our bank account.
If you are a Facebook user, we hope you will find a way to our Eve’s Fund Facebook page where, right under the large photo, you will see the following and can click on “+ Create Fundraisers” button.
For those of you who may want more detailed instructions, you can go to
our “Tips for Creating and Sharing a Facebook Fundraiser to benefit Eve’s Fund“ link here.
Ways to support Eve’s Fund through donations
Of course, you don’t have to start a fundraiser to help us. You can make a donation of any size by clicking directly on the Donate Button at the top of our Facebook page:
or through our secure donation portal below.
Or if you prefer to donate offline, checks payable to “Eve’s Fund can be sent to us at: Eve’s Fund, PO Box 3592, Newport, RI 02840. (Please note that is our new mailing address.) Be sure to check to see if your employer has a matching program available.
We know there are many worthwhile causes seeking your support at this time. We are so truly grateful that so many caring people chose Eve’s Fund to benefit from their Facebook Fundraisers and we invite others to consider it in the future.
Your thoughtful gifts are especially appreciated during this COVID-19 pandemic, when the Native American community is so severely impacted.
Thank you, Facebook Fundraisers, for believing in Eve’s Fund and the needs of the children we serve. Thank you for spreading the word about our programs on the Navajo Nation.
Stay home, stay healthy, save lives

One of our recent Eve’s Fund Facebook Fundraisers (not seen in the photo collection above) with her grandson. Thank you!
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Don’t miss out on the latest news from Eve’s Fund. Stay in touch with us and see the impact that your generosity is having on the young people we serve. We will never share your email and we promise not to overload your in-box.