Our beloved Eve was born 43 years ago today—November 4, 1974—at Boston Lying-In Hospital in Boston, MA. It was a beautiful warm autumn day with the leaves at their most stunning coppery peak. Today, we are remembering her and the legacy that lives on through Eve's Fund for Native American Health Initiatives—a non-profit her family created in her name and memory. Most of you never met Eve, so there is no way to ever truly appreciate her beauty, laugh, talent, energy and spirit. Her life on earth … [Read more...] about On this day—November 4, 1974—Eve Erin Crowell’s birthday
Supporting suicide prevention—bringing HOPE to Native youth
Eve’s Fund embraced a message of hope once again this year as it co-sponsored a three-day suicide prevention youth retreat during the late summer. The retreat, called Native H.O.P.E. (Helping our People Endure), took place at the Moenkopi Community Center in Moenkopi, Ariz., on the Hopi Nation. Forty Native youth, ages 10 through 18, attended the program. The Meth & Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI) Project, coordinated by Mitzi Lee of Tuba City Regional Health Care in Tuba City, … [Read more...] about Supporting suicide prevention—bringing HOPE to Native youth
ThinkFirst Navajo team to run in 2017 Shiprock half-marathon
Runners from our ThinkFirst Navajo Injury Prevention program will join more than 2,000 participants in 34th Shiprock (New Mexico) Marathon on Saturday, May 13, 2017. Our team will promote injury prevention awareness and education as we run, jog and walk the 13.1 miles of the half-marathon. We will also try to raise funds for our program from people who believe in the importance of the work we are doing to save lives and prevent injuries of young Navajo people. On the Navajo Nation, the death … [Read more...] about ThinkFirst Navajo team to run in 2017 Shiprock half-marathon
Help us save a Navajo child’s life
On the Navajo Nation, the largest and most remote Indian reservation in the United States, everyone has lost a loved one to a preventable injury or disease. Your donations to Eve’s Fund are helping us save lives and provide a brighter future for an entire generation of Navajo children. Those of us at Eve’s Fund who work directly with the Navajo people witness the devastating, long-term effects of preventable injuries, which strike Native youths 3-4 times the national average. On this … [Read more...] about Help us save a Navajo child’s life
#GivingTuesday launches our annual holiday fundraiser
Eve's Fund launched it annual holiday fundraiser today, November 29, on #GivingTuesday 2016. Today is the biggest giving day of the year when people from around the world come together for a common purpose: Paying It Forward. It is also a day when you could save a Navajo child's life. We are hoping to raise $5,000 for our ThinkFirst Navajo Injury Prevention Program, which will allow us to give safety helmets to 500 at-risk Navajo children. We will also teach these kids how to protect … [Read more...] about #GivingTuesday launches our annual holiday fundraiser